Sunday, February 27, 2011

Soul encounter; refueling your body, mind and soul through worshipping God

“Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:5 NIV)
Nothing seems to “stir” our soul more profoundly than love.  The passion, the power and the strength that comes from true love not only compels our emotions to higher levels but propels our deepest desires and awakens our purpose.  When we love someone greater than we love ourselves, we pour out all that we possess knowing the return will be greater than the initial investment.  While we cannot give with the expectation of receiving, true love always returns to us more than we could ever imagine.
God’s love is such an amazing reciprocating love, beyond words and without limits.  While we may think we loved God first (we must take a step of faith to receive the love God has for us) it’s actually God who loved us, first.  As a mother, I know firsthand about the unconditional love you have for a life you nurtured from birth to adulthood.  There is absolutely nothing I won’t do for the benefit of my children.  However, I expect (in a healthy way) my love to be reciprocated back from my children to me.  If I don’t raise my children to understand that unconditional love is not just what you receive but what you give, then I have taught them nothing of value. 
God has given us a way to experience healthy balanced love with Him through living for Him.  Loving God with everything we possess (heart, soul and strength) returns the investment of God’s love for us back to Him while also refueling our body, mind and soul by the power of His love in us.  Absolutely nothing “fuels” me more than the love of God.  The best way that I know how to experience God’s love is through worshipping Him.  Even though I could worship Him in the privacy of my home, through the natural beauty of His creation (the world I live in) or through my relationship with those I love, I gain so much more when I corporately worship Him with the body of Christ.  What my “soul encounters” through corporate worship refuels every fiber of my being for the week to come.  Corporate worship enables me to pour out the love of Christ in me onto those around me, in a selfless way that benefits those who may need it more than I realize.  The outpouring of unity through song and the reading of God’s word reaches past every indifference, division and human flaw while leaning on the everlasting truth; God is love.
Thought to live by:  God’s love is fuel to my soul.
“Who’s your Daddy; knowing God as Abba Father” is a devotional written by Pat Ferguson © Copyright 2011 Pat Ferguson

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Living sacrifice; the purpose of prayer and fasting

Fasting simply means to abstain from something (food, drink, hobbies, attitudes, activities, etc.) in exchange for God's presence to take the place of that which you abstained from, as you seek His will for your life.  There are many types of fasts for various reasons, but the fast that brings the presence of God is the one that focuses on Him (not us, our will, our desire).  If our fast is for anything less than God's presence the outcome will reveal it.

Prayer during a fast is the catalyst between us and God.  Fasting without prayer leads to nowhere.  If you've ever been on a fast, simply for the practice of abstaining, then you know the outcome was pointless.  When we pray and fast we not only experience a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit (God's presence) but we also begin to receive a more powerful intimacy with God (greater wisdom, understanding and knowledge) because we stepped out in our faith to follow God's will for our lives.

"And so, dear Christian friends, I plead with you to give your bodies to God.  Let them be a living and holy sacrifice - the kind he will accept.  When you think of what He has done for you, is this too much to ask?"  Romans 12:1 NlT

The sacrifice that God desires from us isn't a religious mindset but a desire to be a "living and holy sacrifice"  placing God's will above our will for our lives.  

Thought to live by:  Prayer connects our thoughts to God; fasting disciplines our body to follow.

"Who's your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father" is a daily devotional written by Pat Ferguson (c) 2011 All Rights Reserved.

Friday, February 11, 2011

And the winner is.....

When a recent email notice sent to me exclaimed "Winner" in the address bar I must say I was skeptical at first.  Not (regularly) being a winner (of anything) I knew it was either a ploy or a reality.  In this case, reality sunk in very quickly once I opened the notice recognizing the "prize" came from a known source.  Because of my simple contribution to an activity I volunteerily performed, I had won a DVD of a movie I had wanted to see but never did.  What a nice suprise to know that my mere obedience became my reward! 

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 3:14

Can we only imagine the day when we meet God face to face the overwhelming joy we will experience as we are handed the "prize" He has promised us simply because we were faithful to follow Christ?  I can assure it you it's value will be worth more than rubies, gold or any worldly object of our affection.

Thought to live by:  My goal in this life is to live as Christ.
"Who's your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father" is a daily devotional written by Pat Ferguson Copyright  (c) 2010, Pat Ferguson

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Close encounters; the work of the Holy Spirit

Close Encounters of the third kind was a 1970's sci-fi introducing the possibility of there being something more (life) beyond our day to day world.  The main character's encounter with a UFO starts a tailspin of investigation into the possibility and knowledge that intelligent life beyond earth is a possibility.  As the movie unfolds, it becomes obvious that more than a few people (i.e. the government) know about extraterrestrials, UFOs and a world beyond anyone's imagination.  Of course....this is a just a movie about what the possibilities could be past what mankind can see, imagine or grasp. 

"But when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever he hears, he will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come."  (John 16:13 The Open Bible)

God's desire for us is very simple; that we would know Him and power of His truth (found in the Bible).  Jesus was sent to represent to us (in the flesh the passion) the love and eternal forgiveness God extends to us once we become believers in His truth.  When Jesus ascended into heaven, the work of the Holy Spirit began.  That work was meant for our good, as well as our eternal benefit.  Can we only imagine if we fully utilized and paid attention to God speaking to us through the Holy Spirit how different our lives would be?  Better yet, how do we discern the difference between our own inner voice and the voice of God?  God's voice always speaks truth, in love, and directs us towards God's purpose and plan.  God's purpose is for mankind to know Him and to surrender their lives fully to Him.  Testing the voice you hear is very simple; does it benefit me more than it benefits God?  If the answer is yes, then question what you hear.  If the answer is no, than test what you hear by follow God's leading.  If the outcome brings others towards God then you know it was from God, used for His glory.

Thought to live by:  God uses the Holy Spirit in our lives to communicate His will to us. 

Who's your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father 2011 (c) Pat Ferguson, copyright, all rights reserved