Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fork in the road

The greatest challenge anyone faces in this life is being able to know which way to go when they come to their “fork in the road”.  Not many of us realize it, but our “fork” probably pops up at least once a day.  “How is that?” you might ask.  Think about every decision you make, every word you speak, every thought you think, and you’ll start to see plenty of “forks” coming your way.  The challenge isn’t just a 50/50 chance of making a right or wrong decision; it’s what you will do with where the decision leads you to.  We can make plenty of great choices and still end up at a dead end, least we fail to use what God has given us to its greatest potential.   Think about anyone you’ve ever known (even at a distance) who has risen and fallen along their path to fame, fortune and opportunity.  Weren’t they on the right road at some point in time?  Wasn’t everything “lining-up” in their lives making their destiny seem (almost) assured?  Yes and yes. 

“People may be right in their own eyes, but the LORD examines their heart.” (Proverbs 21:2)

What we do with what God gives us is just as important as the direction He leads us to follow.  Choosing the right side of the fork to follow is always a 50/50 chance.  Choosing to follow Christ regardless of the path you’re on is always certain to lead you to Him.

Thought to live by:  I will choose today to follow Christ as I walk by faith.

“Who’s your daddy?  Knowing God as Abba Father” ™ is a devotional written by Pat Ferguson, Copyright © 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Only One God

Wouldn’t it be convenient if we could make God into what we needed Him to be for us?  Thus enters in the garden variety of religions.  Each one wants to proclaim they’ve found their God, however, God made it very clear to us from the beginning of time exactly who He was, is, and will always be.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega”
(Revelations 1:8 NIV)

God made no bones about it:  There has and will be only One True God.  He underscored who He was by showing His great love and compassion for a lost and dying world when He reached down from heaven with the best example of Himself through Christ.  God had a plan from the beginning of time to be everything we needed.  When anyone tries to conform God into what they need Him to be they lose touch with who He is.

Thought to live by:  There is only one true God.  Anything less than that is counterfeit.

“Who’s your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father” is a devotional written by Pat Ferguson © Copyright 2012, All rights reserved