Well known talk show host, Larry King, recently produced a mini-documentary on Alzheimer's interviewing Ronald Regan, Jr., son of former President Regan who unwittingly became a victim of the disease. As part of the documentary, Larry voluntarily underwent preliminary testing to determine if he was a possible candidate for "Dementia" aka Alzheimer's in his later years. At his own request, he kept the results to himself. During his interview with a doctor specializing in Alzheimer's, Larry asked for a simple explanation of the disease and if "forgetfulness" was a concerning red flag. "No" responded the doctor. "A better way to look at it would be not forgetting where I left my keys but not remembering what my keys are for." Forgiveness has a very funny way of working the same way. It's not forgetting what we were forgiven of but not remembering that we were when it comes our turn to forgive others.
"…….his fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, "Be patient with me and I will pay you back. But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt." Matthew 18:29-30
Alzheimer's robs its victim of the ability to recall the purpose of something, a familiar face or parts of their past. However, amidst all the "painfulness" of this disease the one thing left in tack is the humanity of the victim's spirit. They still instinctively know how to forgive. And in a twist of fate, they actually are much better at "forgetting", as well. When God has forgiven us of so much, over and over again, it's up to us to take His forgiveness and extend it to those we encounter cancelling the same "debt" we ourselves could not pay.
Thought to live by: Forgetting may come with time; but forgiveness eventually comes full circle.
"Who's your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father" is a daily devotional written by Pat Ferguson © Copyright 2011
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