Friday, July 27, 2012

Who's your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father: Middle of the Road

Who's your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father: Middle of the Road: There is a point in life when we stand in the middle of the road we’re on and wonder how all the time we’ve spent so far, has gone by so...

Middle of the Road

There is a point in life when we stand in the middle of the road we’re on and wonder how all the time we’ve spent so far, has gone by so fast.  If memory serves us right, we see details, clips and moments in life’s timeline we hope we never forget and some we wish we could stop remembering.   Some are vivid.  Some are sad.  Some bring us sporadic moments of unspeakable joy.  Most are priceless.

At the midpoint of my life, (which I assume is right about now) I’m recalling, rewinding and remembering the moments that have shaped me into who I’ve become.  The earliest ones laid a foundation I still stand upon to this day.  The latter are part of life’s ongoing “gifts” that continuously shape, mold and pour back into being who I’m meant to be, taking me down this path I’m compelled to follow.  Those treasures, I pray, are the ones that stay ever present in my life each day……

If it were not for my praying mother’s two knees, I would not have these two “feet” that ground and compel me to stand strong in a shaky world

My father scooping me into his arms when I cried in my crib for someone to know I needed comfort taught me to be those “arms” for someone else when my turn came

A small scar from my first scraped knee daily reminds that not getting back up hurts worse than falling down

The first time, at four years old, that I felt the presence of God and simply knew He existed

Labor pains that taught me motherhood is a lifelong lesson about the “birthing” process of another human being and the “joy” of being a mom overrules the “painful” moments that come with both

The spoken words “I love you” from my loved ones trumps any card, present or reward this world could offer

Freedom is not a birth right but a human condition no one can steal from us unless we let them

If you love God, you live to please Him

A loving, faithful and Christ-centered husband is a gift from God

More lessons surely lie ahead but these will be the one’s I treasure most as I continue my journey to learning more…….

Every day is a “birthday” when we live our life to the fullest……

Happy Birthday!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Who's your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father: The "Eleventh hour" God; do you know Him?

Who's your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father: The "Eleventh hour" God; do you know Him?: Who has not known the sound of a ticking clock counting down the seconds to the moment of their desperate need, only to wonder...

The "Eleventh hour" God; do you know Him?

Who has not known the sound of a ticking clock counting down the seconds to the moment of their desperate need, only to wonder if God could (really) hear them as they sat helplessly wondering when their next shoe would drop? When we least expect we can rely upon three things.  God never sleeps. He knows no limit when it comes to His children.  He always meets their needs (not their wants, but their needs).

Think of the recent events in your life that have taught this lesson over and over again. Sometimes, it is as simple as an unexpected letter telling you a debt’s “paid in full” when you thought a greater balance was due. A doctor's report telling you the cancer has mysteriously disappeared or the operation isn't necessary, that your body has healed itself. A lost son's phone call home, telling of the miraculous way in which God has began working in his life through what had seemed more like a desperate situation. All the sudden, your eleventh hour has become another twenty four hours of new life being breathed into your soul, once again.

Christ's death on the cross was for two primary reasons: Payment for our sin and the promise of our new life. One required the other and both were necessary for everyone (the "ungodly" is all inclusive).

Whether our "eleventh hour" moment is birthed from a desperate need for healing, restoration, direction, or some other life changing moment, the same Christ died so that you would have the answer through a relationship with Him. To ignore the price He paid is to let the hands of time tick past the midnight hour in your life sending you into the unknown. It is never too late, but it might be sooner than you realize. Turn to Christ today for the salvation you need has already drawn closer than you realize.

Thought to live by: The moment I need God can be found in every moment, of every day.

"Who's your daddy" is a devotional written by Pat Ferguson (Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved)