Friday, September 30, 2011


When my three sons were very young they often fought for my attention.  Without realizing what they were doing, they would easily tease one another in an effort to show themselves to be superior in my eyes.  Little did they know that what they were doing could never change or influence my undeniable love for each of them, regardless of how “superior” they made themselves feel against the other.

Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.” Acts 10:34-5

God’s love for mankind is much the same; immeasurable.  But access to God’s throne is a two way decision, which requires us to not only receive His love but demonstrate our love for Him, as well.  When we accept Christ as God’s pathway to his throne, we not only live in the grace of God, we do what is “right” in God’s eyes.

Thought to live by:  If I want to live in God’s “favor”, I must live according to God’s standard.

“Who’s your daddy; Knowing God as Abba Father” is a devotional written by Pat Ferguson, Copyright © 2011, All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Right on!

Growing up throughout the late 70’s, I remember when the expression, “Right, on” came about in my generation.  Not only did this idiom get used for ending almost every statement spoken, it seemed to be universally understood to mean, “You are exactly right” (but with a “groovier” sound)!  Even though my generation thought we’d invented this phrase, we probably just revived it (the slang’s origin dates back to 1925 when first recorded in an Odum and Johnson song, “The Negro and his songs”).

“And I, the Son of Man, feast and drink, and you say, “He’s a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of the worst sort of sinners!”.  But wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it.”  Matthew 11:19 NLT

Jesus was accused of many things (like hanging out with the wrong crowd) and often misunderstood (his entourage of followers included fishermen, a questionable women and even a tax collector).  Jesus was ridiculed for befriending those who needed him, for not being pious and judgmental, and for not following a religious standard (i.e. Pharisees).  But look at what Jesus’ example did for mankind:  Saved them.  When a religious standard condemns more than it saves it’s just that; a religious standard.  Because Jesus (a man, yet fully God) knew the heart and mind of God, He understood what it would take to reach those of us who were lost.  Instead of turning his back on the “un-churched” folks around Him, He stood in the gap for them and reached them where they were.

Thought to live by:  Does what you believe lead you to those who need your message the most or does it separate you from them?

“Who’s your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father” is a devotional written by Pat Ferguson, Copyright © 2011, All Rights Reserved.

Right on!

Growing up throughout the late 70’s, I remember when the expression, “Right, on” came about in my generation.  Not only did this idiom get used for ending of almost every statement spoken, it seemed to be universally understood to mean, “You are exactly right” (but with a “groovier” sound)!  Even though my generation thought we’d invented this phrase, we probably just revived it (the slang’s origin dates back to 1925 when first recorded in an Odum and Johnson song, “The Negro and his songs”).

“And I, the Son of Man, feast and drink, and you say, “He’s a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of the worst sort of sinners!”.  But wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it.”  Matthew 11:19 NLT

Jesus was accused of many things (like hanging out with the wrong crowd) and often misunderstood (his entourage of followers included fishermen, a questionable women and even a tax collector).  Jesus was ridiculed for befriending those who needed him, for not being pious and judgmental, for not following a religious standard (i.e. Pharisees).  But look at what Jesus’ example did for mankind:  Saved them.  When a religious standard condemns more than it saves it’s just that; a religious standard.  Because Jesus (a man, yet fully God) knew the heart and mind of God, He understood what it would take to reach those of us who were lost.  Instead of turning his back on the “un-churched” folks around Him, He stood in the gap for them and reached them where they were.

Thought to live by:  Does what you believe lead you to those who need your message the most or does it separate you from them?

“Who’s your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father” is a devotional written by Pat Ferguson, Copyright © 2011, All Rights Reserved.