Thursday, March 10, 2011

Crystal ball faith

Divination went into practice during the early medieval period, when "diviners" would attempt to gain insight into the future, using a systematic approach, while practicing the reading of "signs or omens" thought to be divinely from God. Often, this practice eventually led to a form of witchcraft. A format that is still sought by many who believe they can foretell the future, those who practice any form of divination are simply deceiving themselves.

"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future." (Ecclesiastes 7:14/NIV)

The mysteries of God are just that; mysteries. If God could be figured out by mere man, than He would not be God. Our reliance to follow Christ is fully based upon our inability to be led by anything else. The "good" and "bad" in our life are both a gift from God, meant to build our faith in Him – not by what we see, feel, or even know, but by what we say we trust in. Dependency upon God keeps us humble and content, knowing that regardless of what this life hands us God is for us and see's our life with the "end in mind".

Thought to live by: Whether in good times or bad, I will trust in the One who loves me, has prepared a place for me and knows my future.

"Who's your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father" is a daily devotional written by Pat Ferguson © Copyright/All Rights Reserved 2011




Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau; is free will part of faith?

After seeing the movie, "The Adjustment Bureau", and how free will versus pre-destination is portrayed the question as to which one you believe is clearly raised. The plot of the movie centers on the basic understanding that our lives are pre-destined to result in a certain way. But then comes along "free will". And everything, from future careers to relationships, is affected. Something as simple as the doors you open and walk through can change where your life is headed in the blink of an eye. The main characters meet at the beginning of the movie, fall hopelessly in love and spend the remaining time finding their lives intersecting which eventually leads them to their ultimate destiny; to stay their course or go their own way.

"Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." (Matthew 19:21/NIV)

So which do you believe; free will or pre-destination? Is it easier to just say, "This was meant to be" while throwing your hands up in the air versus "Did I make the right decision?" The later leaves the responsibility of accountability on us while the former allows us to be absent of (possibly) both. In the above scripture Jesus (clearly) makes a distinction between what it takes to follow Him (absolute sacrifice) and what we receive in the end (ultimate blessing), while telling us what we must do to receive it ("follow me"). If pre-destination is the marker of your faith (which for many it is) then why would Jesus allow us to make the choice to follow Him? Perhaps for the same reason my husband can't make me love him unconditionally and sacrificially. How I met him certainly seems "pre-destined" but ultimately our love had to be of our own "free will".

Thought to live by: The opportunity to follow Christ was arranged (pre-destined) before I was ever conceived; the free will to obey was mine.

"Who's your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father" is a daily devotional written by Pat Ferguson © Copyright 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Soul food

From cornbread to chitlins, soul food has its origin dating back to the 1500's when slave traders fed the African slaves primarily what was left over. From the tops of turnips to the intestines of pigs, these slaves learned to make food to feed their souls.

"Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink – even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk – it's all free! Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen and I will tell you where to get food that is good for the soul." Isaiah 55: 1 – 2

Can we only imagine what that experience was like for those who had no other choice but to live off of what they were (sparingly) given, while being enslaved against their will? To even comprehend that such a time in history existed is painful enough; to have lived through it must have been devastating. But for the grace of God! Slave or free man, God's word is plentiful and feeds the "soul" freely. In fact, His word sets the captive free! When we redirect our "thirst" for more of Him, we gain strength (wisdom) that is good for the soul through the study of God's word.

Thought to live by: What we drink, eat and spend our time on is what our life will produce.

"Who's your daddy; knowing God as Abba Father" is a devotional written by Pat Ferguson © Copyright 2011